Our church is now open without restrictions or capacity limits for all attendees.
Current Mass times are as follows: Sat 5:00pm Sun 9:30am Sun 5:00pm
In line with current COVIDSafe settings, while you are inside, we ask you to maintain social distancing where possible.
Following COVID safe guidelines helps protect each other and keeps our church open, please remember to stay home if you are feeling unwell.
Thank You
Weekend Masses:
The 2021 Code of Conduct for has been ratified by our Parish Council. All volunteers, staff and contractors of the Parish need to sign the Parish Code of Conduct and ensure they have a current Working With Children’s Check.
Please call in to the office to sign the updated Code of Conduct. Leaders of Groups may wish to come and collect enough copies for all volunteers in their group to sign.
Thanks to all for supporting our Parish, especially in the endeavour to ensure that our community is a safe place for all.
As we figure out how to ‘be parish’ in this time with restricted Masses in our Church, we need to remember:
– our prayer and spiritual life
– our commitment to and support for our Parish
– our community.
In this time of uncertainty, please remember our priests and religious in your prayers. Our priests are financially supported by our weekly Presbytery (first) collections, and these expenses will still need to be met.
Parishioners are asked to make donations by electronic transfer to St Michael’s Parish Traralgon Presbytery Account, BSB 083 879 Account Number 48906 6098.
Our Parish will still need to pay our utility bills, our wages bills, rates and insurances. We meet these costs through the Planned Giving Program. Parishioners who currently give via the weekly envelopes are asked to consider altering their giving to Direct Debit giving to enable our Parish to continue.
Direct Debit Giving forms are available at the office, please phone or email and we can get one to you. Anyone wishing to make a general donation to our parish can do so by electronic transfer to St Michael’s Parish Traralgon Church Account, BSB 083 879, Account Number 48885 1289. Please let me know by email ( if you decide to do this.
Thank you.
If you are wanting to request a Mass Offering, then please place your donation in an envelope, and clearly mark:-
1. The name of the person(s) for whom you wish to offer the Mass.
2. Whether it’s a death anniversary, or recent death.
3. Your name, contact number and email.
The envelopes can be ‘posted’ through the mail slot beside the front door of the Parish Office.
Please look out for those in our community who are the most vulnerable and could be in need of our support. Let the Office know if you know of anyone in need.
Sincere thanks to those parishioners who have dropped in their Giving Envelopes, made payments via electronic means, and are keeping all our parish community firmly in their prayers
Our St Michael’s Parish Traralgon ‘App’ is ready! Availability of Mass times, parish information, bulletins and events and much more right on your phone!
Download it from here:
Anyone wishing to have information included in the Bulletin needs to have the information to the Parish Office by midday on the preceding Thursday.
Thank you.