Parish Groups

Baptism Team
Parish Office
Baptism for School Children
Parish Office
Prayer Cells Groups
Parish Office
Catechist Team
Deacon Tony
Charismatic Prayer Group
Cathy Mclure
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Parish Office
Church cleaning
Parish Office
Craft & Social Morning
Carmel Collis
Family Groups
Jenny & Peter Dal Pra
Hospital Visitation Group
Parish Office
Maintenance Committee
Alan Grout
Mick's Kitchen
Judi Scholtes
Ministers of the Eucharist (home visitation)
Kathy Matters Helen Daly
Money Counters
Parish Office
Mum’s Group
Jennifer Hanratty
Music Ministry
Jane Mitchell
Parish Pastoral Council
Lia Di Corleto
Parish Cell Groups
Margaret Wilkinson
Piety Stall
Lyn Kennedy
Susan Grout
Parish Office
Readers and Commentators
Susan Grout
Special Ministers of the Eucharist
Julie Fleming
Touring Statue of Our Lady
Marie Moulton
Welcomers Group
Johanna Sykes